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New Beginning Greetings!! I hope this finds you enjoying a well earned rest as we prepare to embark on New Beginnings once again! This is the year of the Wood/Sheep. I have been feeling myself leaning in to a gentler pace already as we close out the year of the horse - or should I say.... stampeding wild mustangs!! I am feeling this year will bring many openings for pleasure as we enjoy the harvest of sweet pastures growth. Whew - what a year! For me, the entirety of 2014 was simply intense. Intense Creation, Intense Focus, Intense Doing, Intense Stresses, Intense Learning, Intense Love. Intense Surrender! We shared many beautiful journeys in community with you, our Spirit Tribe! In Bali, the Colorado River, In Ceremony, Spirit Circles, Women's Wisdom Gatherings and of course our 67 consecutive days at the Sawdust Art Festival!! I took my 50th journey around the sun which offered initiatory experiences of self-discovery, letting go, embracing change, and mostly surrendering to trust in the Benevolent intelligence of Spirt. Ever more deeply. I have been reflecting on all I am grateful for. I am grateful for you! I am grateful. Family Healing on many levels has brought me a sense of wonderment and reverence. We had the blessing of sharing Christmas with my folks, sister and family and friends. Dad at 80 has come through his exchange with lung cancer strong and clear. Mom has opened her heart in ways I'd not dreamed were possible reinforcing my faith in holding out for miracles again and again and again! I am vowing to never close my heart in response to what I may expect or not expect. I am grateful to share life with Andrew. Together we source the well of life in ways I'd not known were possible....Our children continue to grow and thrive in Love - and our Love was the theme of our time together - Our greatest source of Medicine is LOVE, and this is where our truth resides. I am grateful for the intensity of what Spirit has shown me over this past year. It has felt like preparation. Preparation for what, I surrender the need to understand or seek to know. Instead, I am embracing a prayer for ease in integration with ears, eyes and heart open to receive more LOVE, more blessings, more musings, evermore than before. We have a lot of juicy offerings scheduled for you to explore here. Our next retreat is the Colorado River (Launching at Hoover Dam in Nevada) March 18th - see more under Retreats Link. Sweat Lodges have been scheduled through April and can be found under Sweat Lodge Link. Dates and offerings for my classes coming up this quarter, including Women's Sovereignty Series, Women's Tele-Tipi Call Series (begins in 3 weeks), Community Spirit Breath Circle for Men and Women, Health Practitioner Advanced Training Weekend are all updated on the site as well. Our Bali retreat will be next year - April of 2016 - if you feel called to explore this magical island, we'd be honored to guide you through a transformative mystical journey! 2015 is sure to bring much life to receive and exchange with. How we choose to exchange with life is what is matters most. It is what sets the pace for how much we can learn, grow and sustain through. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are thinking a lot about sustainability. The indicators of our eco-socio-economic climates are good barometers for what is to come. We've been putting a good deal of energy forth this last year in preparing our land and home in the event we need to sustain ourselves and family for any length of time. We are not worried. We are prepared. Prepared to Thrive in any situation. I have been feeling the nudge from spirit for sometime. An undertone that is prudent - not fear-based. I share this with you as there is a likelihood you too have been feeling an impulse to prepare for the unforeseen need to be sustainable. Wherever you sit in this inquiry, we are here to support as Andrew and I have just launched a support structure for those who feel called to explore more. Click Image for Details… As always, I bid you LOVE, and dedication to the process of Peace on this GLORIOUS Planet!! Aho and Blessed Be!! Carrie Rae Woodburn
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